Clary & Jace FANSOURCE

CLARYANDJACE.NET is a fan resource only and is in no way affiliated with FREEFORM, THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS SERES, CASSANDRA CLARK, DOMINIC SHERWOOD NOR KAT MCNAMARA. All photos and media will always belong to their respective owners and are being used under the Copyright Fair Use Law 107. I do not claim credit for any images/photographs I use for the graphics, these remain the property of their original owners and credit for these will be given. This is a non-profit website and all materials on this site are for entertainment purposes only. It’s not my intention to steal anything from anyone, if I used any of your material and didn’t give you credit, email me so I can give you the proper credit. Or if you would like the material removed, please let me know and I will remove it. All material related to the show and the actors are theirs. No copyright infringement intended.

Your disclaimer here.